was all a part of a contest between several different facilities at work and
the rules were simple; which ever had the best results at the end of the month,
that particular location would all eat steak and potatoes cooked on a grill.
my location won the contest and so I knew what I would be eating; potatoes and
steak cooked on a grill. And I was looking forward to that meal!
when the day of the “payment” came, that is what I ate; potatoes and steak
cooked on a grill.
only thing is that the type of steak and the type of potatoes were different
than what I had envisioned. Instead of eating Grilled New York Strip Steak and
baked potatoes, I ended up eating Grilled Tube Steak (a hot dog; frankfurter) and
potato chips!
nobody pulled a fast one and switched the payment. Instead, Cathy and I had an
opportunity to have two of our grandchildren stay with us over night and then
we would take them back to their parents’ house and then spend the day working
at their house.
I found out that the day that they were going to cook was the same day that the
grandchildren would stay over, I knew that there was a lot at stake in my
decision as to what kind of steak and potatoes I would eat.
not so much for health reasons ---at least the hot dogs had no nitrates,
antibiotics, or hormones and were made from organic meats ---- but for the
bigger picture.
I chose to eat Grilled New York Strip Steak and baked potatoes, I would have a
chance to spend time with around sixty men and my boss. My time with them would
be sowing into their families as well.
if I chose to eat Grilled Tube Steak and potatoes chips, I would be impacting
two precious grandchildren as well as free up their parents to be able to spend
time alone out to dinner and beyond …
I have said in the past, I know
that I am called
to be grandpa and that means spending
time with my grandchildren; which I love to do! And the way that it works out
is as practical as how I spend my time and with whom I choose to eat.
Not all decisions are as
clear choices as this event. Sometimes I choose between “A” and “B” and (may)
end up second guessing that decision. Perhaps a different guide needs to be in
place. Let me give you a thought or two…
of all, what’s at stake with what you are deciding? Who will it affect? Is it
drawing you closer or further to what God has in store for you? What will be
the effects long-term down the road?
As the saying
goes; “Sow a thought, reap an
sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character,
reap a destiny.”
realize that even if you are sure what the will of God is for your life; you
need to realize that you may not being hearing accurately. First Corinthians chapter
thirteen, verse nine tells us that “we know in part and we prophesy in part.” In other
words, we need others to see our blind spots because we may not see what is at
stake with some of our decisions.
Bible says in the Book of Proverbs;
“Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors
there is safety.” (Proverbs
“Without counsel,
plans go awry, but in the multitude
of counselors they are
established.” (Proverbs 15:22)
“For by wise counsel you will wage your own war,
and in a multitude of counselors there is safety.” (Proverbs 24:6)
what decisions are you facing today; especially the ones between two great
opportunities? Let me state the obvious; you can’t be in two places at the same
time so you have to pick one!
as you choose, let me remind you that with whatever steak you choose, there is
a lot at stake. Choose wisely my friend.
All Scripture taken from the
New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission.
All rights reserved.
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