Feb 27, 2014


If you are a channel surfer, you will eventually come to the conclusion that not everything on television should really be on television. Or have you already come to that conclusion?

One of these shows that probably should have never made it to prime time (or to television for that matter) is called “Baggage”. This is a dating show on which contestants tell embarrassing secrets which are referred to as “baggage” while attempting to not be dismissed for having “too much baggage” in comparison with the other contestants who are also divulging what is wrong with them.

One after another, suitcases are opened, revealing contestants’ deepest and darkest secrets, and the main contestant must choose which secret they find less shocking. Whoever makes it through and is chosen as having the least amount of baggage gets to go out on a date with another person who also has revealed some of their deepest and darkest secrets.

And you wonder why so many nations see the USA as being a bad influence on their country.

All that to say this; I love hanging around with my family and my friends because they accept me in spite of my baggage. They seem to either not know my faults or they seen past them. Either way, I win.

Do you have people in your life who will accept you “warts and all”; people who can love and accept you and see beyond your faults and weaknesses? We all need friends like that in order to get through this life.

If you don’t, then let me tell you some good news. God not only accepts you with all of your baggage, He did something to help you deal with it. Some of your baggage may be sin and yet “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8). He paid the price so that we can receive His forgiveness!

Some of your baggage may be burdens from trying too hard and for that He calls out to “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28). We don’t need to be weighed down by our burdens!

Some of your baggage may be that you have areas to be healed and to that He says; “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” (Luke 5:31-32). He is available for healing!

Some of your baggage may be areas from your past that you just need to let go of and the good news is that today you can receive the grace to do it. He really wants you to be free, no longer held back! Start today and you will begin to feel so much lighter, no longer held back by old baggage.

Have you had enough of what this world has to offer and want true freedom?
Call 1-888-NEED HIM. Someone is waiting to talk with you