…. It’s more common that you
might think….and if you have been driving for any length of time, there is a
pretty good chance that you have either done it yourself as a driver, or almost
did it, or have been with someone who did it.
One-Way driving is usually
indicated by a sign with an arrow pointing the appropriate direction of travel
for that street. Occasionally, by driver error or a sign that is not visible, a
driver will travel the wrong direction on a one way street.
Driving the wrong way on
freeways has also been a huge problem since the interstate highway system was
started in the late 1950s.
This is an illegal traffic
violation that can result in a fine of around $100-$120. These fines could be
increasingly inflated should there be other offenses involved such as
In fact the main culprit
appears to be impaired driving, with drugs and/or alcohol involved in over
sixty percent of wrong-way crashes and over seventy five percent of the fatal
wrong-way crashes.
When a driver is in the
predicament of driving the wrong way on a one-way street, it will require more
than just changing lanes, because a new lane in the
wrong direction will still get you to the wrong place.
Instead, the driver will need to change directions by stopping,
and turning around, and going another direction.
To do so, one must first
realize that it is happening, and change the way that he or she thinks about
the situation, and then figure out how to get his/her vehicle going in the
right direction.
I would submit to you that
when this is taking place, the first response is that everyone else is going
the wrong way; especially if the driver is impaired. It is then that the driver
needs to change the way he is thinking so that he can go the other way.
But deciding to turn
the car around and actually driving in the other direction are still two
different things.
It is the same with making
changes in our lives…We start off going in what we believe to be the right way
only to discover that we are actually going the wrong direction.
If you have been living for any length of time, there
is a pretty good chance that you have either done it yourself, or almost did
it, or have been with someone who did it.
And just like driving, going
the wrong direction can have devastating consequences on those who we impact as
well as to our own lives. And, like driving, we cannot simply change lanes; we
need to stop, and turn around, and go another direction.
To do so, one must first
realize that it is happening, and change the way that we think about the
situation, and then figure out how to get going in the right direction; which
is somewhat like trying to turn around a car that is going the wrong direction.
The Biblical word for
changing how we think is “repent”;
or “metanoeō”
in the Greek (pronounced: met-an-o-eh'-o).
The way we
normally use the word, repentance refers
to anytime that we feel really sorry for something that we’ve done—so sorry
that we promise never do it again.
But repent biblically means: means “to change your mind” or “to think differently” or afterwards,
that is, reconsider (morally to
feel compunction).
In other words you are going
one direction and to turn around and go another direction you must FIRST to think differently and then you will be able to go another direction. If we are truly repentant (by changing how we see
things) then we will be willing to do what is necessary to reverse our
But part of the problem is
that unlike a highway or one-way street, on the road of life, the path isn’t as
easily marked and the signs are not as easily seen to let us know that we are
going the wrong way on a one-way street.
Many people who
are going the wrong direction will realize that something is wrong and simply
“change lanes” by trying different things like working harder at it, or going
to a gym or a church, or reading self-help books, or going on the newest diet.
But none of these
will make any difference as long as they’re still going the wrong way. Going in
the wrong direction will still get you to the wrong place and all we have are “New Year’s Resolutions”.
And, deciding to turn and go a different direction
and actually going in the other direction are still two different things.
To go a different direction, there
must be a conviction that you are going the wrong way; otherwise you won’t turn
around and go the other way. Instead, you will eventually miss familiar
markings and scenery and stray off the right path.
And it should be noted that you really can’t
get a conviction on your own. Instead, God has given us His Holy Spirit to be
the road signs to let us know when we are going the wrong way. He will lead and
guide us into all truth and He will convict the world of sin.
The Holy Spirit calls out to each of us;
“Stop. Look. Listen! Wrong way! Detour! Change your direction! You’re on the
wrong road!” When you sincerely repent, God helps you go another direction and
gets you back heading where He wants you to be.
The Holy Spirit has been
given to help us change our minds and convict us of where we are going the
wrong direction. 1 John 1:8-10 says;
“If we say that we have no sin, we
deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is
faithful and just to forgive us our
sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not
sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.” (NKJV)
Do you desire to repent now, but you are not
sure how to?
Let me ask you a question; has there been a
moment in your life when you repented of sin and then by faith received the
Lord Jesus Christ? If not, you can today. Your life can be changed. Your sins
can be forgiven. You can live a new life. You can have the assurance that if
you died at this moment, you would go to heaven. Will you receive Him as your
Need some help: Call 1-888-NEED HIM; someone
is waiting and wanting to help you and get back going the right direction.
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