I’m not sure why I left it on
all season; it’s not as though I really needed the information; especially if
it was the instructions for how to clean the gloves. Cleaning instructions for
hockey equipment? Get real!
Maybe I was afraid that if I
did cut off the tags then the “mattress” police would come and get me, stating
that it is unlawful to remove the tags from a mattress or pillow!
The specific US Code we’re dealing with here is Title
15 – Commerce and Trade, Chapter 2, Subchapter V – Textile Fiber Products
Identification, Section 70c – Removal of stamp, tag, label, or other
identification Statute (a) Removal or mutilation after shipment in commerce.
But, unbeknownst to many
consumers out there, the warning that it is unlawful to remove the tags from a
mattress or pillow is for mattress sellers only; not for the consumers.
Perhaps I was more interested
in following the rules rather than enjoying life…
While I realize that nothing on this
earth really lasts long nor does it give eternal life, I think that some of us
get so hung up on the rules that we miss out on really living life.
Some of us feel guilty after we’ve
eaten French fries and drank a Coca Cola! We count calories and apologize for
spending money on candy. After all, we aren’t supposed to: “drink or chew or
hang with those who do…” or are we?
I confess to you that I personally
have had way too many experiences that were not sinful and yet I still felt the
need to apologize to someone for simply enjoying life!
Way too many times I was so in touch
with suffering in this world that I allowed this knowledge to tempt me to feel
guilt that I had an opportunity to enjoy something they weren’t.
The apostle Paul wrote
“All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify.” (1 Corinthians 10:23)
Sure that we would take
things to the extreme Paul wrote:
“What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?” (Romans 6:1-2)
You see, in the garden of
Eden there were two trees”: One was the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and
Evil”; which we were not supposed to eat from (and yet we do-daily!).
The other was “The Tree of
Life”; which was given to us to eat from. Jesus said in John 10:10 that He came
to bring us LIFE; abundant life;
which means:
superabundant (in
quantity) or superior (in
quality); by implication exceeding abundantly above, more abundantly,
advantage, exceedingly, very highly, beyond measure, more, superfluous
Yet we are more interested in
following the rules rather than enjoying life…
If you find yourself in this
predicament, then stop not enjoying life and being so hung up with the letter
of the law that you miss the whole point of what God is saying; STOP!
In other words, tear the tag
off the mattress!
Or as Weatherman Phil Connors said in “Ground Hog Day”:
“It's the same thing every day, Clean up your room,
stand up straight, pick up your feet, take it like a man, be nice to your
sister…Oh yeah, don't drive on the railroad tracks.”
All Scripture taken from the
New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission.
All rights reserved.
Very cool. Appropriate for where I am at.