Dec 25, 2014

Christmas Thoughts

It’s Christmas today; and I want to talk to my fellow Christians. Today and this season that we are in is a time when it is so easy to get caught up in the hustle & the bustle and miss out on the reason for the season.
Many Christians find it is easy to forget what the reason is for the season.
In fact a lot of Christians will go through this season declaring something similar to what King Solomon said: “I’ve had everything I could possibly want from life and did everything I could possibly do and life is a bummer.”
If that is where you are at today; I want to inspire you and challenge you to do something different to go through the rest of this season without regrets.
And if you find yourself on that same road today heading towards anxiety, hopelessness, and stress; it’s time to change the road you are on.
See, if going 80 mph has taken you in the past to anxiety, worry, fear, then going 20 mph or 120 mph will only take you to the same place. Isn’t it time we change the road we are on?
I’m telling you, pleading with you that right now you need to get off that freeway today and go another way.
We put burdens upon ourselves for every little thing that will be gone in a very short while like cards, gifts, and decorations. I have a non-judgmental question; “Have you thought about asking God to provide the gifts you will give?”
People, we are not being a good witness when we stress out during this season. How many of you reading this want to be a bad witness? How many of you want to be with someone stressed you?
We need to go to Jesus and rely on the Holy Spirit during this season more than ever; especially when the stress in our lives continues to increase, patience seems to be low, and the opportunity to ruin our testimonies is ever present.
People: Jesus is the reason for the season.
It should break us and move us to tears as we look at how we celebrate Christmas. This can’t be how God wants His birthday celebrated; would you? Everyone showing up to your birthday party with no hair, ulcers, broken bank accounts; and then when they get to your party they forget that it is your birthday!
This Christmas is a great time to be ‘mission-centered’ and reach out to those in our world. For some, it will be at your place of employment or at a shelter, for some it will be with our families.  
Today, I want to remind each of us that as Christians, we are all called to be ambassadors as though God were pleading through us (2 Corinthians 5:20).
My prayer is that God will show each one of us how and to whom He would like us to reach out this Christmas. Jesus is the reason for the season.
Today, Go out and tell the Good News-The reason for the season: New Hope for tomorrow as we celebrate the birth of the Savior who came to give His life on a cross and be resurrected for each of our sins.
 Merry Christmas; I’m pulling for you!

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