I was almost
11 years old on July 16, 1969 when Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Edwin
E. Aldrin Jr. landed on the moon. One of
the excitements that surrounded that time was all of the items that you could
purchase to be a part of the landing.
The hot items that all of us
kids really wanted were “Space Food Sticks” and “Tang”. We knew that
just like the astronauts, we also needed to eat the right things in order to have the proper
nourishment for the strength to complete our mission.
Space Food
Sticks were an energy
snack in rod form containing nutritionally balanced amounts of carbohydrate,
fat and protein wrapped in special foil to give them an added space-age
appearance. The sticks came in several flavors including my own personal
favorite, ‘peanut butter’. We, too, ate them several times a day so that we,
too, would have the strength to complete the mission.
(when I was a kid) was an artificial orange flavored powdered “breakfast” drink
that was originally formulated by General Foods Corporation. Tang does not
contain any fat or any protein and has several essential vitamins and minerals.
We, too, drank Tang several times a day so that we, too, would have the
strength to complete the mission. Another item
that I can still vividly remember my parents buying me was an “Apollo Snoopy”
toy so that I too could be a part of the mission on the moon even though I was
approximately 238,857 miles away. I would go through the
drills with Snoopy to assure that he was in perfect condition and would have the strength to
complete the mission.
When the
astronauts came back to earth, NASA concluded that all mission tasks were
completed satisfactorily. I,
too, felt as though we had help complete the mission. I, too, shared in the
glory of that moment in the history of mankind.
For some reason recently I recalled those glory days of eating space food sticks while playing with
my Apollo Snoopy. I have since
that time in 1969 replaced Space Food Sticks with protein bars and Tang with
5-Hour Energy and Gatorade to have the strength to exercise and play hockey. In my ministry and my
Christian walk, I also need to eat the right things in order to have the proper
nourishment for have the strength to complete my mission. That includes time
spent alone with God in Bible study, prayer, and worship. It includes time
spent together with other Christians in Bible study, prayer, and worship.
In the Bible is a story of a
man named Elijah who learned that he, too, needed to eat the proper
nourishment in order to have the strength to complete his mission.The Bible reads;
“Then he (Elijah) looked, and there by his head was
a cake baked on coals, and a jar of water. So he ate and drank, and lay down
again. And the angelof the Lord came back
the second time, and touched him, and said, “Arise and eat, because the
journey is too great for you.” So he arose, and ate and drank; and he
went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights as far as Horeb,
the mountain of God.” (1
Kings 19:6-8)
How about
you? Are you eating “the right stuff” in order for you to complete your
mission? Are you finding yourself running on fumes and full of hunger pains?
My advice to you my friend is to simply stop; and cry out to God. He is a
Father who longs to provide food (natural and spiritual) because He loves you
so very much. Ask Him to “give you your daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). Rejoice knowing, as
the Psalmist wrote: “The Lord upholds all who fall,And raises up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look
expectantly to You,And You give them their food in due
season. You open Your handAnd satisfy the desire of
every living thing” (Psalm 145:14-16)
now your Creator in the days of your youth, before the difficult days come, and
the years draw near when you say, "I have no pleasure in them". (Ecclesiastes 12:1)
Need further
help?Someone is waiting to talk with you.
But the bread of life is the Son of ours - the Son of Man. He is our hunger. And it is he who makes us satisfied.
Ask not what the country can do for you but what you can do for your country. I believe President Kennedy, when he said that, had the Son of Man in mind. The Son of man is the wine and the bread.
There is no work under the sun which can compare with Christ, The Son, your faith and hope and charity, in that respect integrity.
But the bread of life is the Son of ours - the Son of Man. He is our hunger. And it is he who makes us satisfied.
ReplyDeleteAsk not what the country can do for you but what you can do for your country. I believe President Kennedy, when he said that, had the Son of Man in mind. The Son of man is the wine and the bread.
There is no work under the sun
which can compare with Christ, The Son,
your faith and hope and charity,
in that respect integrity.