Jun 14, 2018

Validating The Invalid

English is my native tongue and I find it to be very complicated. I sometimes wonder how people even learn it with all of its rules that are filled with exceptions to every rule.

Most languages use different words to mean different things. Many languages use different words that are either masculine or feminine depending on whether it is referring to a male or a female.

Pretty simple; eh?

Not English; no, we don’t even speak the same language between countries where English is (for the most part) the native tongue (like USA, England, or Australia)

I say all that to talk about a word today that has several different meanings depending on which syllable you are placing the emphasis on.

The word is ‘invalid’. It can be read as invalid or invalid depending on what you are referring to.

If you are using it as a NOUN and referring to a person who has been made weak or disabled by illness or injury, then you would pronounce it as invalid.  

If you are using it as a VERB and a referring to validation, then you would pronounce it as in-valid.

Most of us are going through life looking for validation and without it we can become an invalid because we feel invalid.

God has created each of us to be in relationship with Him and there is a craving in all of us for validation. And the Father wants us to have it through His Son Jesus Christ.

Satan’s strategy has been to divert us from validation from God and point us to something that will only bring brokenness; to have us chase after something that will never satisfy…

In Christ we really have:
   Nothing to HIDE
   Nothing to PROVE
   Nothing to FEAR
   Nothing to LOSE

And yet, because we are invalids who don’t believe that, we seek validation from places that are broken and shattered. Trying to find life that only comes from one place: The heart of Father God.

Whenever we misuse that which the Father has given us, it is usually because we no longer hear the Father calling us His children.

Anytime we look to anything other than Father as our source of life and we attempt to get validation from those sources; we drink the brokenness of the people who are there, and we come away feeling disabled and we die.

This is us when we look to others instead of the Father to meet our needs.

This happens to us every time we look to an external relationship, or a certain level of income or to a job opportunity to validate us.

And yet, the Father still calls out through the Holy Spirit to ALL who will listen; whether we know Him or not; to come to Him for validation.

The truth is, we all need a touch from ABBA Father because we continue to try to get validation everywhere other than from Him.

He wants us to be validated so that we are no longer invalids (disabled). He longs for each of us to hear Him validating us like He did to His Son Jesus BEFORE He did any ministry.

When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:15-16)

The truth is that in Him we are validated. We are no longer slaves because we are children of God. We are surrounded by the arms of the Heavenly Father; surrounded by songs of deliverance form One who reveals Himself as “Abba” which means “daddy”.

Those of us who have come to the Father (Abba) through Jesus Christ have been liberated from our bondages. We are sons and daughters through receiving the work done on the cross by Jesus.

Some of you have been searching for your Father when all along ABBA Father has been searching for you! When all along ABBA Father has been waiting for you! When all along ABBA Father has been longing for you! 

For some of you it seems too good to be true that He would be your “father” or “daddy”. Too good to be true that He would love and validate you… 

Or you’ve had head knowledge but not experience, or if you’ve forgotten it

Or it’s been a really long time since you’ve heard that He loves you…

Or you’ve been plugging into the wrong places and everything you’ve tried has left you hungry, and because you are just so tired of going on.

And you long for a Father who will embrace you, kiss you, and take you back to His bosom and hold you, and soothe you. A Father who will call you His child and not allow you to be called a slave.

Don’t look to anyone or anything else for validation. Let God reveal Himself to you by the Spirit of God.

That is the Father that Jesus came to reveal to us and if you don’t know known God as a daddy, He wants you to come to Him TODAY through Jesus Christ.

Not sure where to start? Call 1-800-NEED-HIM; someone is waiting to talk with you right now.

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