An old boss of mine used to
give me a hard time for still playing ice hockey in my late forties, calling it
a “young man’s game”. I’m glad that I never let his good natured ribbing
convince me to hang up the skates, but rather still lace them up to play one to
two games per week. Not bad for someone who is “too old to play”. Good thing
Gordie Howe didn’t listen either or he would not have been playing when he
turned sixty eight.
What I love about being able
to still play ice hockey at age fifty six is that even if I have a bad game, it
still was good day. A bad day on the ice is still better than not playing at
all. I’m also grateful that I have a wife who encourages me to still play; she
says that she sees the smile on my face and realizes that in those eyes is a little
boy who is ten and is in the Stanley Cup finals as he slips one past an
unsuspecting goaltender.
But after I leave the ice and
I am removing my clothing, skates, and other equipment…which are now all ten
pounds heavier from perspiration from the game…my body reminds me that I am
actually fifty six going on sixty.
This hit home for me today as I was sitting on the bench after a game and removing my skates. The next group of men who had rented the ice were arriving and getting ready for their game. A player from my game started playfully taunting some of the younger players…twenty or thirty somethings…and then said; “Hey I suppose I shouldn’t give you a hard time or else you will beat us up...then again who would you impress by telling that you beat up some mid fifty players who just came off the ice after three hours of playing!”
I hyperbolically made a
comment that we could probably take them until I saw them hit the ice and then
we all realized that we were not as great as we had thought. We were not as
fast, young, or as strong as these young players.
These guys were fresh out of
college and they were large and fast and reminded us that we were not spring
Although we were both totally
kidding, I would submit that in each of our lives we, at times, think much
higher of ourselves than we ought to and forget that rarely do we really get to
see how great we are or are not compared to others who have similar gifts,
skills, or talents.
The Bible actually tells us
that God hates it when we live prideful lives; “God resists the proud, but gives grace to
the humble.” (James 4:6b)
In fact it’s one of the seven
things that He hates and are an abomination to Him. (See
Proverbs 6:16-20)
The Bible exhorts us:
“For I say,
through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought
to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of
faith. (Romans 12:3)
Perhaps we; like that ten
year old boy in our heads, need to realize that we may not be as great as we
think we are and we may not be playing in the Stanley Cup Finals; and that’s OK
for we were all so young…
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.