Personally, I prefer a higher
quality restaurant that focuses on slowing things down and has better food.
But, I like them because I love the "try
a little bit of everything" style of eating. I like the idea of instantly
seeing what is offered and being able to quickly sample whatever I want without
having to order a large plate’s worth. If I don’t like something, I simply grab
a clean plate and go back to the buffet to pick out something else.
Yet this past week, while
going through the various stands with a group of co-workers, I found myself
looking at how much I and those around me actually were eating (or at least
putting on our plates). And I thought of “that person on the corner who holds
the cardboard sign”.
You know who I am talking
about; that person who stands at the corner all year long with a handwritten
cardboard sign as he or she begs for money from motorists who can’t escape
their grip when the light turns red…Those
And I stopped filling my
plate (at least for a short moment) and pondered whether or not it was right to
eat so much when so many have so little.
I know that there are many
reasons for poverty and hunger and I’m not trying to guilt us into a different
lifestyle. I’m not saying we shouldn’t eat out when we are able to do so or
that at times we should or shouldn’t eat “too much”; who is to say what is “too
The Apostle Paul wrote to the
Church in his letter to the Romans chapter 14;
“Let not him who eats
despise him who does not eat, and let not him who does not eat judge him who
eats; for God has received him.” (v.3)
“He who eats, eats to the Lord, for
he gives God thanks; and he who does not eat, to the Lord he does not eat, and
gives God thanks.” (v.6b)
“For the kingdom of God
is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy
Spirit.” (v.17)
“Do not destroy the
work of God for the sake of food. All things indeed are pure, but it
is evil for the man who
eats with offense.” (v.20)
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