“With” is a simple word. It means accompanied by; accompanying: in
some particular relation to. It’s one of the words that we use on a daily basis
in almost all conversations; or perhaps in more conversations than we realize.
Yet, when used it can make
all of the difference in the world.
It’s one thing to know that a
friend cares about you and wants to help you and has your back. But it is a
whole other thing to have them actually in the same place as where you are and holding
you, and helping you, and having your back.
Its one thing to know that
God cares for you, wants to provide for you, will protect you, loves you, and
wants the best for you. That alone means a whole lot when you are in a
situation in which you don’t or can’t see any way out.
Yet it is another thing to
know that He is actually WITH you. He is the One who goes WITH us as we go
through the valley of the shadow of death and that His rod and staff are there
(Psalm 23:4); that is something that removes fear and brings comfort to our
What comfort
there is to know that He is with us when two or three are gathered together in His name
(Matthew 18:20).
Over and over again He
reminds them that He is there to deliver them; He is not going to do it from
some cloud up in heaven! In fact Jesus came to remind us that He was indeed
with us.
Over and over again through the Bible the Lord reminds people that He will be WITH them wherever they shall go and because of that, they can be strong and of good courage, and not be afraid, nor dismayed.
His very name, “Immanuel” means, “God with us.” He’s not just on the
sidelines cheering us on; He is with us! Jesus promised to send the Holy
you love Me, keep My commandments.
I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide
with you forever— the
Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor
knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.” (John 14:15-17)
And finally “… lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.”
(Matthew 28:20)
So who is “WITH” You? Your answer will make all the
difference in the world?
Are you tired of looking for love in all the wrong
places? Have you tried to find a faithful friend with no success? Are you tired of
trying to do it your way? Call 1-888-NEED –HIM; someone is waiting to talk with
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