Nov 25, 2010


thanks•giv•ing [thangks-giv-ing]

1. The act of giving thanks; grateful acknowledgment of benefits or favors, esp. to God.
2. An expression of thanks, esp. to God.
3. A public celebration in acknowledgment of divine favor or kindness.
4. A day set apart for giving thanks to God

I went to get my tires changed early one morning this week before the winter storm that was predicted, only to discover that “everyone else” had the same idea as me; so I had to wait in line…outside…until I could go inside.

I quickly noticed that the sidewalk was covered in bird droppings. Based upon the amount, I would venture to guess that the flock that had been there prior to me had been quite large. 

So I stood there, waiting my turn, using the opportunity to practice thanksgiving. I was thankful that I had the time before the store. I was thankful that I my boss was paying for the new tires. I was also thankful that he had also paid for the Jeep that I was driving and that I was still employed in this topsy-turvy economy. And, I was really thankful that when I dropped my phone clip, that it missed all of the droppings.

I went up the sidewalk a bit, wandering as I used the time to make some phone calls as I waited for my turn. As I turned the corner, I almost tripped over someone who was fast asleep in a sleeping bag. Based on the items surrounding this person, it appears that this spot on the sidewalk had been the place that he slept the night before. I should probably add that the temperatures the night before had been around twenty degrees.

I must admit, I didn’t need to “practice” thanksgiving at that moment; thanksgiving rolled off my lips. It’s funny; sad actually, that we complain easily, yet need to practice the giving of thanks. Well, today is our day to practice the giving of thanks. Use the gift of thanksgiving as a jump start to a whole new way of living. You, as well as those around you will be glad that you did.

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