Apologetics is the whole of the consensus of the views of those who defend a position in an argument of long standing. The term comes from the Greek word apologia (απολογία), meaning a speaking in defense. (taken from Wikipedia).
Several years ago I was asked to do apologetics and defend Christianity to a philosophy group at a local college; and it was met with overwhelmingly good results. I want to state clearly that I don’t consider myself an apologist but rather one who loves God and His Word and saw this as an opportunity to tell what I believe the Bible says about who Jesus is.
I am writing this today for those of you out there who don’t know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. I want to do a different form of apologetics; I want to do “Christian-apologizing” .
I should probably tell you that “Christian” means “Christ-bearer”; that is, “a follower of Christ”. I say this because I have discovered that you are sometimes confused by those of us who call ourselves Christians and see our history filled with a whole lot of skeletons. On behalf of all Christians everywhere I want to apologize to you today for how we have NOT represented God as we have lived our lives among you.
It really is embarrassing sometimes how we act as Christians towards one another. I apologize that you have had to see our rivalries as we filled our airwaves with our debates trying to prove how our church is the correct and perfect church, as we slammed fellow Christians. I want to apologize to you for how we bicker and fight and argue and have at times in the past even killed each other simply because of a difference in doctrine, gifting, race, and gender. You’ve heard our ramblings and gossip about our pastors, the people we worship with, and our church we attend; and we were shocked that you never once wanted to visit when we invited you.
I want to apologize to you that we have not practiced what we have preached; living our lives among you filled with hypocrisy and shameful habits. You’ve read stories about us as we were caught doing the very things that we told you not to do. You’ve had to watch as we beat our kids, cheated on our spouses, and neglected our families. We’ve “fleeced the flock” abusing those under our care; all the while amusing ourselves as we fulfilled our own depraved lusts.
Our love has been filled with hypocrisy; Jesus hates hypocrisy. We’ve not abhorred what is evil and clung to what is good. We’ve not been kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; instead we have lagged in diligence serving our own agendas. You’ve watched when we have gone through trials and we have been hopeless and impatient in tribulation.
I apologize that you have seen our selfishness as we have cut off our wallets to those around us who have been in need. I am so ashamed that you have heard us cursing instead of blessing this world and all who dwell here. We have not been of the same mind toward one another but instead have been arrogant and wise in our own opinion of ourselves.
I apologize that you have seen us repay evil for evil instead of mercy, having no regard for good things in the sight of all men. We pursued wars instead of trying to live peaceably with all men as we have tried to avenge ourselves, giving place for wrath.
I apologize to you for how we have stolen land and forced whole people groups to give up beliefs instead of sharing and living out our faith among them in an effort to win them to Christ. I am so sorry for what we have done in the Name of Jesus.
I apologize to you for the times you have come to us over the past 2000 years with hearts that were hurting and we told you to “quit smoking” and “wash your face" and "cut your hair” and “put on a tie”; instead of the good news that God loves you so much that He sent His only Son Jesus to die for you. We’ve majored on minors and minored on majors. For not telling the truth; for not standing up when we should have. We’ve kept silent at times, and people have gotten away with murder.
I want to let you know that what you have seen may not be who God is, and I apologize. My hope is that as you call to Him today, that God will reveal Himself to you thru His Son Jesus Christ.
You see, God doesn’t over look any of our sins, Jesus paid for our sins by His death, burial, and resurrection. Jesus died that we might live; and He did it BEFORE we knew about; while we were still sinners.
The Apostle Paul wrote to the Christians in Rome: “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8 NKJV); and “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23 NKJV).
All who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ; and put their complete faith and trust in Him and His complete work on the cross are brought into right relationship with God. This righteousness is unattainable by simply trying to completely obey the law, or by a person’s own merit, or by any other condition other than faith in Jesus Christ.
Don't give up on God, He hasn't given up on you or His Church.
JESUS LOVES THE CHURCH Written By Sheila Walsh
You say that You believe in us,
At times I wonder why
You say You see the Father in our eyes.
But I think if I were You, Lord,
I'd wash my hands today,
And turn my back on all our alibis.
And we crucify each other,
Leaving a battered, wounded bride,
But Jesus loves the church.
So we'll walk the aisle of history,
Towards the marriage feast,
For Jesus loves the church.
We fight like selfish children,
Vying for that special prize,
We juggle with our gifts before Your face.
And I know You look with sorrow
At the blindness in our eyes
As we trip each other half-way thru the race.
And we crucify each other,
Leaving a battered, wounded bride,
But Jesus loves the church.
So we'll walk the aisle of history,
Towards the marriage feast,
For Jesus loves the church.
I want to learn to love like You,
I don't know where to start,
I want to see them all but through Your eyes.
For You believed enough to live
Amidst the maddened crowd
Enough to die before our very eyes.
But we crucify each other,
Leaving a battered, wounded bride,
But Jesus loves the church.
And so we'll walk the aisle of history,
Towards the marriage feast,
For Jesus loves the church.
Yes we'll walk the aisle of history,
Towards the marriage feast,
For Jesus loves the church.
And as He hung in naked grief,
Bleeding for our crimes
He saw our fickle hearts and cried, I Love You.
Thank God for His indescribable gift of salvation available to each one of us through Jesus Christ!
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