Jun 7, 2018

You Can’t Help Me; I’m Overwhelmed!

When we think of the word “Overwhelmed” we often think that this is something bad.

We picture negative things such as being overwhelmed a day jamb-packed with things to do; and not enough time to fit everything in.

Or being overwhelmed in our minds by remorse or regret that causes the brain to be stuck in circular logic.

Or being overwhelmed in our feelings as though life all around us is squeezing in on us.

Or being overwhelmed by an attack; or over powered; especially by superior forces that have the potential to crush or destroy.

Or being overwhelmed such as in a disastrous situation that could bury, submerge, or cover us, like a flood, fire, tornado, hurricane, avalanche, volcano, earthquake, etc.….

So, if I were to say to you; “I hope that today you have an overwhelming day!”, you’d probably reply with; “No thank you!”

If you are super-spiritual you might reply with; “Get behind me Satan!”; but that wouldn’t be nice because I am really just trying to help you.

But “overwhelmed” isn’t necessarily really a bad word

With the right understanding and perspective, “overwhelmed” can be a
good word.

Or as George Costanza (Seinfeld) said; “…So, anyway, if you think about it, manure is not really that bad a word. I mean, it’s ‘newer’, which is good, and a ‘ma’ in front of it, which is also good. Ma-newer, right?”

But I digress…and some of you are more overwhelmed because I have taken time from your already busy schedule…

Hang in there; I do have a point.

“Overwhelmed” is a word that can be used to describe BOTH negative as well as positive situations. It can be bad or good depending on what’s whelming whom over.

If you have a sports team that has “an overwhelming offense”; that’s a good thing; especially if they are winning the game.

The word “overwhelmed” means ‘to load, heap, or address with an overpowering amount of ANYTHING’.

And “ANYTHING’ can mean overwhelmed with good things such as overwhelmed with provision of presents or food or clothing or cars or houses or job opportunities or extra days of vacation…

“ANYTHING’ can mean overwhelmed with good things such as overwhelmed with too many friends and too many invites to celebrations such as weddings or graduations or parties. 

“ANYTHING’ can mean overwhelmed with good things such as overwhelmed with hugs or kisses.

“ANYTHING’ can mean overwhelmed with good things such as overwhelmed with comfort or love or joy or peace or patience or kindness or goodness or faithfulness or gentleness or self-control or understanding or forgiveness. Can we ever have too much or be overwhelmed with these?

“ANYTHING” can mean (as King David wrote in Psalm 68:19) being overwhelmed or loaded (imposes a heavy burden) with benefits or blessings from the Lord!

So, I to say to you; “I hope that today you have an overwhelming day!”

I hope that you are overwhelmed by the goodness and grace of our Heavenly Father through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Especially if, when you are reading this, you are feeling as though your day is already (in a negative sense) overwhelming.  

Take some time to let this song minister to your heart...                                 

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